Two Elephants Reunited After More Than 20 Years

Happy end from two elephants meet again

Not a new story but worth watching again and again! So amazingly touching - the story of Shirley and Jenny, two crippled elephants reunited at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee after a 22-year separation. The bonding was immediate, intense and unforgettable between the two former circus elephants. 

Jenny and Shirley were both at the same circus when Jenny was a calf and Shirley was in her twenty's. They lived one winter together then were separated twenty-two years ago. It is very rare for elephants to display this kind of emotion in captivity, and it's probably the first time such a thing has been documented on film.

Following their separation, they were sent to different zoos - and did not see each other for a staggering 22 years.
During their reunion, broadcast by PBS, the elephants can be seen touching, nestling and exploring each other.
Seconds later, the pair can be heard roaring loudly - as if expressing their emotion through touch is not enough. 
'I have never experienced anything even close to this depth of emotion,' said Ms Buckley.
'This relationship is intense and resembles that of mother and daughter. We are so blessed.'
Following the reunion, the elephants reportedly spent the day outside together, while constantly 'moving side by side'.
And when Jenny lay down for a nap, Shirley even used her body to shade her younger friend from the sun. 
In 2011, a study revealed that elephants are able to recognise old friends - despite spending a lengthy amount of time apart.


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